The First Romanian Translations of John Steinbeck. Norms, Strategies and Censorship Practices

The First Romanian Translations of John Steinbeck. Norms, Strategies and Censorship Practices
Primele traduceri româneşti din John Steinbeck. Norme, strategii şi practici de cenzură
Doctoral Student at the Faculty of Letters
The “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania

Drawing on Gideon Toury’s “norm theory,” and on André Lefevere’s concept of
“rewriting,” this paper examines six Romanian translations of John Steinbeck issued between 1942
and 1946, seeking to reveal the norms and strategies adopted in their production, as well as shed
light on the role of ideology in shaping the target texts.
Pornind de la „teoria normelor” propusă de Gideon Toury şi de la conceptul de
„rescriere” introdus de André Lefevere, ne propunem să examinăm şase traduceri româneşti din
John Steinbeck apărute între anii 1942-1946 pentru a releva normele şi strategiile adoptate în
producerea lor, precum şi rolul factorului ideologic în modelarea textelor ţintă.

Keywords: John Steinbeck, first Romanian translations, translation norms and strategies, ideology, censorship
Cuvinte cheie: John Steinbeck, primele traduceri româneşti, norme şi strategii de traducere, ideologie, cenzură


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