Synonymy in the English-origin Romanian Medical Terminology


Synonymy in the English-origin Romanian Medical Terminology

La synonymie dans la terminologie médicale roumaine d’origine anglaise

Sinonimia în terminologia medicală de origine engleză


University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova

Department of Modern Languages

Petru Rareş Street, No. 2-4, Craiova, Romania



The Romanian medical terminology has been enriched quite a lot lately. This phenomena was not only due to the significant influence of the English language, but also because of the relationships developed between the already existing terms and the new ones. Thus, the present study comprises the analysis on Romanian medical terms of Englsih origin and their native synonymous correspondents in the Romanian medical terminology. The dictionnaries used to select the synonymous pairs of medical terms were the Medical Dictionary (2010) and The Great Dictionary of Neologisms (2008).


La terminologie médicale roumaine s’est dernièrement trouvée considérablement enrichie, non seulement du fait de l’influence significative de la langue anglaise, mais aussi en raison des rapports qui se sont développés entre termes déjà existants dans la langue et termes nouveaux. La présente étude comprend ainsi une analyse sur les termes médicaux roumains d’origine anglaise et les synonymes autochtones de ceux-ci dans la terminologie médicale roumaine. Le Dictionnaire Médical (2010) et le Grand Dictionnaire de Néologismes (2008) ont servi à sélectionner ici les paires synonymes de termes médicaux.


Terminologia medicală românească s-a îmbogăţit considerabil în ultima perioadă, nu numai în ceea ce priveşte influenţa limbii engleze, ci şi legat de relaţiile dintre diverşii termeni deja existenţi şi termenii noi. Astfel, prezentul studiu cuprinde analiza termenilor medicali de origine engleză şi sinonimele acestora în terminologia medicală românească. Dicţionarele utilizate au fost Dicţionarul Medical (2010) şi Marele Dicţionar de Neologisme (2008).

Key-words: medicine, terminology, English language, influence, synonymy

Mots clé: médecine, terminologie, langue anglaise, l’influence, synonymy

Cuvinte cheie: medicină, terminologie, engleză, influenţă, sinonimie



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