Romanians’ Historiography in Hungary about the Beginnings of the Romanian Community in the Trianon Hungary

Romanians’ Historiography in Hungary about the Beginnings of the Romanian Community in the Trianon Hungary
Istoriografia românilor din Ungaria despre începuturile comunităţii româneşti în Ungaria trianonică
Gabriel MOISA
Universitatea din Oradea
Facultatea de Istorie, Geografie şi Relaţii Internaţionale

Beyond the directions and trends professed by the Romanian researchers in Hungary
remains the manner how they write the history. Subject of time, they have close views to the general
trend of the Hungarian historiography. Thus, for example, when talking about their minorities
beginnings in nowadays Hungary they start as early approach to the 17th century. But sometimes,
but not all, especially taking advantage of the postcommunist openings, they write the history
according to their beliefs. We learn as about the phenomenon of ethnic assimilation that the
Romanians in Hungary are subject to, one extremely stressed beginning with the 60s of the 20th
century, or how about the Trianon Treaty of Peace is perceived by them.
Dincolo de direcţiile şi tendinţele profesate de cercetătorii românii din Ungaria rămâne
modul în care aceştia scriu istoria. Supuşi vremurilor, ei au puncte de vedere apropiate de trendul
general al istoriografiei maghiare. Astfel, bunăoară, când vorbesc despre începuturile propriei