Retorica beligeranţei – determinarea unor forme specifice de comunicare

Retorica beligeranţei – determinarea unor forme specifice de comunicare

The Rhetoric of Belligerence – Determining Specific Forms of Communication

Nicolae IUGA

Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad

Facultatea de Ştiinţe Umaniste, Politice şi Administrative



The belligerent discourse has generally had, at all times and regardless of motivation and the degree of elaboration and awareness, a certain minimal structure and a fundamental social importance.

Moreover, we might say that there is no idea of war per se, nor is there an entirely objective and impartial perspective with regard to this complex social phenomenon called war. But the concept of war is culturally and historically shaped by a pre-existing perception on military conflict: whether a war is considered to be just or unjust and, in the former case, from what point of view; whether it is a religiously, secularly or ideologically motivated war; whether it is a war of conquest or a war of defence etc. In other words, the discourse and rhetoric of the belligerent state are elements of collective mentality and social imagery, preceding and condition our view on war. The structure of the pre-existing discourse and of the rhetoric engaged in it is tacitly induced in the structure of the concept of war.

Our thesis, which we shall develop and illustrate below, is that a certain type of war motivation will determine the appearance of specific communication structures, as well as of a likewise specific rhetoric, which will seek to subordinate cognitive truth.

Key words: religious motivation of war, lay motivation of war, ideological motivation of war, rhetoric, religion, ideology

Cuvinte cheie: motivare religioasă a războiului, motivare laică a războiului, motivare ideologică a războiului, retorică, religie,  ideologie

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