Putting into perspective of the cleavage State-Church in Mexico

Putting into perspective of the cleavage State-Church in Mexico
Une mise en perspective du clivage Église-État au Mexique
O punere în perspectivă a clivajului Biserică – Stat în Mexic
Institut d’Études Politiques d’Aix en Provence, CHERPA
Université d’Aix-Marseille 1, CAER EA 854
E-mail : ruben.torresmartinez@univ-provence.fr

Since the independence of Mexico (1821), two political groups have been competing for getting the control of the country. Throughout the twentieth century, the hegemonic party by using the entire state apparatus managed the system to make impossible to observe the cleavages in the country. We have studied and exploited the concept of cleavage as a tool. This concept allows us to observe where the lines are which divide the society. It has been studied the case of two political parties: the National Action Party (PAN) and the Party of Democratic Revolution (PRD). The constitutional amendments that occurred during Salinas’s administration have faced again the State and the Catholic Church. Indeed, this conflict has become the center of national debate. We can see that the conflict has been institutionalized and has continued until today. Also the conflict reveals a history cleavage back to the time of independence.

Depuis l’indépendance du Mexique (1821), deux groupes politiques se disputent le contrôle du pays. Pendant tout le XXe siècle le système de Parti hégémonique rendit impossible l’observation de clivages dans le pays. Nous exploitions le concept de clivage en tant qu’outil qui permet d’observer où se trouvent aujourd’hui les lignes qui divisent les sociétés. Nous étudions le cas des deux Partis politiques au Mexique : le Parti Action Nationale (PAN) et le Parti de la Révolution Démocratique (PRD). Les amendements constitutionnels survenus pendant le gouvernement Salinas ont placé à nouveau le conflit entre État et l’Église Catholique au centre du débat national. On observe que le conflit s’est institutionnalisé et s’est poursuivi jusqu’à aujourd’hui, laissant apparaître un important clivage historique déjà perçu à l’époque de l’indépendance.

După ce Mexicul şi-a câştigat independenţa (1821), două grupări politice şi-au disputat controlul asupra ţării. Pe durata secolului XX, sistemul de partid hegemonic a făcut imposibilă observarea clivajelor care se petreceau în ţară. Vom utiliza conceptul de clivaj ca instrument care permite observarea situaţiei actuale a liniilor care divizează societăţile. Vom studia cazul a două partide politice din Mexic : Partidul Acţiunii Naţionale (PAN) şi Partidul Revoluţiei Democratice (PRD). Amendamentele constituţionale ce au survenit în timpul guvernării Salinas, au plasat din nou conflictul dintre Stat şi Biserica Catolică în centrul dezbaterii naţionale. Se observă instituţionalizarea conflictului care continuă până în ziua de azi, lăsând să se întrevadă un important clivaj istoric perceptibil încă din epoca independenţei.

Key words: Mexico, cleavages, State-Catholic Church, political parties, history.
Mots clés: Mexique, clivages, Église-État, Partis politiques, histoire.
Cuvinte cheie: Mexic, clivaje, Biserică – Stat, partide politice, istorie.

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