Preparandia din Arad, două secole de existenţă

Preparandia din Arad, două secole de existenţă
The Normal School of Arad – Two Centuries of Existence

Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad

The day of November 15, 1812, was truly a day of celebration for Romanians in the West of the country, a great spiritual triumph of the people.
The historical context in which the Normal School was founded in Arad is dominated by the Illuminist period and the Transylvanian School.
In the case of Banat and Crişana luminaries, the cultural, pedagogical, spiritual and religious movement, with a strong national character, was centered around the Normal School of Arad.

Key words: Normal School, Arad, first teacher-training school, Transylvania, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: Preparandie, Arad, prima şcoală de învăţători, Transilvania, România

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