Mihail Jora, creator of Romanian ballet prototype

Mihail Jora, creator of Romanian ballet prototype

Mihail Jora, creatorul prototipului de balet românesc


Universitatea de Vest – Timişoara, Facultatea de Muzică

E-mail: lava.bratu@gmail.com



The idea to use in the ballet performances topics related to the Romanian music and life came through Mihail Jora’s creations: La piaţă (1928), Demoazela Măriuţa (1940), Curtea Veche (1948), Când strugurii se coc (1953), Întoarcerea din adâncuri (1959), Hanul Dulcineea (1966). His works are characterized by creative force, subtlety and staging gift that have turned the trivial into art. The dramatic sense, the picturesque force, the complex rhythm, the harmonious coloring, the conducting talent and the gentle use of sounds as well as the modern aesthetic vision – all speak about an artistic personality of an extraordinary originality.

Key words: Mihail Jora, Romanian ballet, modern aesthetic vision, originality

Cuvinte cheie: Mihail Jora, balet românesc, viziune estetică modernă, originalitate


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