Ioan Flora: „breviarul cavalerului postmodern”

Ioan Flora: „breviarul cavalerului  postmodern”

Ioan Flora: “The Postmodern Knight’s Breviary”

Emilia Parpală

Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Craiova



Existential and stylistic liminality explains, with respect to the Romanian poet from the Serbian Banat, the atypical nature of his poetics. As a minority representative in Serbia and an outsider in Romania, Flora has “enjoyed” rather some global and complaisant labelling than really pertinent analyses. Although he belongs, biologically, to the ‘80s generation, his well-tempered postmodernism, cohabitating with neomodernism, deserves special attention. This is precisely the aim of this article, which will be centred on three defining coordinates: (a) the text “document” and the poetics of the real; (b) intertextuality: relational identity and mythical symbols; (c) the rhetoric of discourse: tropes, syntax, metadiscourse.

Key words: Ioan Flora, identity, intertextuality, postmodernism, syntax.

Cuvinte cheie: Ioan Flora, identitate, intertextualitate, postmodernism, sintaxă.

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