Herta Müller – o personalitate a literaturii universale contemporane

Herta Müller – o personalitate a literaturii universale contemporane

Herta Müller – A Personality of Contemporary Universal Literature

(Herta Müller, Încă de pe atunci vulpea era vânătorul, Traducere din germană de Nora Iuga, Editura Humanitas Fiction, Bucureşti, 2009, ISBN 978-973-689-340-7)

Vasile MAN

Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad

e-mail: vasileman7@yahoo.com


Each book authored by this German writer, born in the Romanian Banat – notes Nora Iuga, who translated several of Herta Müller’s books – regardless of its genre, carries the mark of the terror that cannot be erased from her mind. In Herta Müller’s books, the Securitate is not only a repressive institution, it embodies all that is evil in humans: from humiliation and harassment to fear, torture and death.

Key words: periphery, factory fatigue, humiliation, Securitate, dictatorship, fear

Cuvinte cheie: periferie, oboseala fabricii, umilinţă, securitate, dictatură, teamă

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