Charles-François Viel, architect of the Parisian hospitals and theorist at the end of the eighteenth century

Charles-François Viel, architect of the Parisian hospitals and theorist at the end of the eighteenth century.

Charles-François Viel, architecte des hôpitaux parisiens et théoricien à la fin du dix-huitième siècle

Charles-François Viel, arhitect al spitalelor pariziene şi teoretician de la sfârşitul secolului XVIII


Université Paris Est. Laboratoire IPRAUS



Charles-François Viel (1745-1819) is an architect and theorist of architecture. He was responsible for the construction and the maintenance of the buildings of the HôpitalGénéral de Paris between 1780 and 1790. As such, he participated in the medicalization of this institution. He poursuied his works during the Revolution and the Empire as an architect specialized in hospital construction. He participed in the big debates of his time on the best design to give to a new Hôtel-Dieu according to the hygienist standards of the end of the eighteenh century. He defends in his treaties a conception of architecture based on experience and tradition.


Charles-François Viel (1745-1819) est un architecte et théoricien de l’architecture qui eut en charge la construction et l’entretien des bâtiments de l’Hôpital général de Paris entre 1780 et 1790. À ce titre, il participa à la médicalisation de cette institution et poursuivit ses travaux sous la Révolution et l’Empire en tant qu’architecte spécialisé dans la construction hospitalière. Il participe aux grands débats de son temps sur la meilleure forme à donner à un nouvel hôtel-Dieu construit selon les normes hygiénistes de la fin du XVIIIe siècle et défend, dans ses traités, une conception de l’architecture fondée sur l’expérience et la tradition.


Charles-François Viel (1745-1819) este un arhitect şi teoretician al arhitecturii care a fost responsabil de construirea şi întreţinerea clădirilor Spitalului general din Paris între 1780-1790. În această calitate, el a participat la medicalizarea acestei instituţii şi a activat pe timpul Revoluţiei şi Imperiului, ca arhitect specializat în construcţia de spitale. Participă la marile dezbateri din vremea sa, cu privire la cea mai bună formă care i se poate da unui nou spital, construit conform normelor igieniste de la sfârşitul secolului XVIII, şi apără, în tratatele sale, o concepţie a arhitecturii bazată pe experienţă şi tradiţie.

Key words: Charles-François Viel, Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris, French revolution, Council of the civil buildings of the Seine, General Hospital of Paris, Regulation and construction principles of buildings.

Mots-clés: Charles-François Viel, Académie royale des Sciences, Paris, Révolution française, Conseil des bâtiments civils de la Seine, Hôpital général, hygiénisme, Principes de l’ordonnance et de la construction des bâtiments.

Cuvinte cheie: Charles-François Viel, Academia Regală de Ştiinţe din Paris, Revoluţia franceză, Consiliul clădirilor civile ale Senei, Spitalul General din Paris, igienism, Principii de reglementare şi construcţie a clădirilor.


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