Between literature and politics: The Venatio by Ercole Strozzi Neo-Latin poet (1474-1508) and his direction of animals, people and gods


Between literature and politics: The Venatio by Ercole Strozzi Neo-Latin poet

(1474-1508) and his direction of animals, people and gods


À la croisée de la littérature et du politique: La Venatio d’Ercole Strozzi,

poète néo-latin (1474-1508) et sa mise en scène des animaux, des hommes et des dieux


Între literatură şi politică: Venatio de Ercole Strozzi, poet neolatin

(1474-1508): aducerea în scenă a animalelor, a oamenilor şi a zeilor

Dominique VOISIN

CTEL (UNSA) – CAER (AMU), MCF latin,



We intend studying the poetic and politic functions of various privileged stylistic processes (hypotyposes, metaphors and comparisons, classical intertextuality) about the representation of animals, humans and gods in this narrative of hunting which proposes a reflection on the relationships of the encomiastic genre and the epic genre of which it offers two kinds: the historic or pseudo-historic shape in a miniature epic of the hunting exploits, harmless enactments of the warlike exploits; the mythological and almost parodic shape in the embedded episode of the fictitious character Alcimus.


Nous nous proposons d’étudier les fonctions poétique et politique de certains procédés stylistiques privilégiés (hypotyposes, métaphores et comparaisons, intertextualité antique) à propos de la représentation des animaux, des hommes et des dieux dans ce récit de chasse qui propose une réflexion sur les rapports du genre encomiastique et du genre épique dont il offre deux avatars : la forme historique ou pseudo-historique dans une épopée miniature des exploits cynégétiques, simulacres inoffensifs des exploits guerriers ; la forme mythologique et quasi parodique dans l’épisode enchâssé du personnage fictif d’Alcimus.


Ne propunem să studiem funcţiile poetice şi politice ale unor anumite procedee stilistice privilegiate (hipotipoza, metaforele şi comparaţiile, intertextualitatea antică) în relaţie cu reprezentarea animalelor, a oamenilor şi a zeilor în această povestire de vânătoare care propune un pretext de a reflecta asupra raporturilor genului encomiastic căruia i se oferă doi avatari : forma istorică sau pseudoistorică, într-o epopee miniaturală a isprăvilor vânătoreşti, simulacru inofensiv al isprăvilor războinicilor ; forma mitologică, cvasi parodică din episodul ce include personajul fictiv Alcimus.

Keywords: hunting, praise, history, classic innutrition

Mots clefs : Chasse, éloge, histoire, innutrition antique

Cuvinte cheie : vânătoare, elogiu, istorie, ‘innutriţie’ antică

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