Aspects of Contextual Translation of Phraseologisms. Case Study

Aspects of Contextual Translation of Phraseologisms. Case Study
Aspecte ale traducerii contextuale a frazeologismelor. Studiu de caz
Ramona-Olga POHOAŢĂ
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava

As they are stable word combinations with formal unity, but, most of all, with semantic unity and peculiarities, phraseologisms often cause translation difficulties. Whether they refer to cultural aspects that are specific to a certain community or their meaning can no longer be constructed from the meanings of their components – as they refer to obsolete extralinguistic realities –, or their source is globally known or they are the reflection of an universal perception of reality, the phraseological units must be translated only according to their context, in both languages. From this perspective we will analyze the Romanian translation of a fragment of the novel Las inquietudes de Shanti Andía, by Pío Baroja.

Fiind structuri stabile din cuvinte ce prezintă unitate formală, dar mai ales unitate şi particularităţi semantice, frazeologismele adesea prezintă dificultăţi de traducere. Fie că invocă aspecte culturale proprii unei anumite comunităţi, că sensul lor nu mai poate fi recuperat din sensurile elementelor componente care fac referire la realităţi extralingvistice perimate, că au surse cunoscute la nivel universal sau că sunt reflecţia unui mod universal de a percepe realitatea, unităţile frazeologice trebuie traduse numai ţinând cont de contextul lor, în ambele limbi. Vom analiza din această perspectivă traducerea în limba română a unei părţi a romanului Las inquietudes de Shanti Andía, de Pío Baroja.

Keywords: phraseologism, phraseological unit, translation, context.
Cuvinte cheie: frazeologism, unitate frazeologică, traducere, context.

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